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Bibliography of Finnish Histories of Technology


Starting in February 2010,

Tekniikan historian seura [1] / The Finnish Society for the History of Technology / Teknikhistoriska Samfundet / presents:

Bibliography of Histories of Technology by Finns or about Finland, in languages other than Finnish or Swedish


Suomalainen tekniikan historian bibliografia vieraskielisistä julkaisuista

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Aav, Marianne, Brännback, Ebba & Viljanen, Eeva (eds.): Timo Sarpaneva collection. Designmuseo, Helsinki 2006.

Aav, Marianne and Nina Stritzler-Levine (Eds.): Finnish Modern Design: Utopian Ideals and Everyday Realities, 1930-97, Yale University Press. 2000.

Aer, Anneli: Patents in Imperial Russia. A History of the Russian Institution of lnvention Privileges under the Old Regime. Annales academiae scientiarum fennicae, Helsinki 1995.

Ahvenisto, Inkeri: "Technology, everyday working life and employer policy: Verla groundwood and board mill community from the 1880s till the 1960s." Tekniikan Waiheita 28(2) 2010, 12–30.

Alameri, Mikko: Eisenbahnen in Finnland, Wien 1979.

Ampuja, Outi: "Towards an Artificial Soundscape?: Modern Soundscapes under Human Design." Icon. Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology, Vol.11, 2005, 79-94.

Ampuja, Outi: "Tolerance of noise as a necessity of urban life: Noise pollution as an environmental problem and its cultural perceptions in the city of Helsinki." Tekniikan Waiheita 28(2) 2010, 31–38.

Andersin, Hans E.: ”The role of IBM in starting up computing in the Nordic countries.” History of Nordic Computing. Eds. Janis Bubenko Jr. & John Impagliazzo & Arne Solvberg. IFIP WG 9.7 First Working Conference on the History of Nordic Computing (HiNC1), Norway 2003. Springer, New York 2005, 33–43.

Andersson, Lars Fredrik: Bilateral Shipping and Trade: Swedish-Finnish Experiences in the Post-war Period, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller 2008.

Antila, Kimmo & Nenonen, Marko: Relief Works, The World Bank and Private Business: Building Highways in Finland. Scandinavian Economic History Review 2/2000.

Aunesluoma, Juhana: “The Engineering Profession and Civil Society in Finland: Towards a Political History of Technology.” Tekniikan Waiheita, 18(4) 2000, 20-31.

Autio-Sarasmo, Sari: ”Soviet Economic Modernisation and Transferring Technologies from the West”. In: Modernisation in Russia since 1900. Eds. Markku Kangaspuro and Jeremy Smith. Studia Fennica Historica 12. SKS, Helsinki 2006, pp. 104–124.

Barraqué, B.; Juuti, P.S. & Katko, T.S. :”Urban water conflicts in recent European history. Changing interactions between technology, environment and society”(Unesco-IHP, 2006, 18 p.)

Bruun, Christer: The Water Supply of Ancient Rome: A Study of Roman Imperial Administration. Societas scientiarum Fennica, Helsinki 1991.

Castells, Manuel & Himanen, Pekka: The Information Society and the Welfare State: The Finnish Model. Oxford University Press, New York 2002.

Castrén, P. & Huldén, B. (ed.): Ancient Technology. Finnish Institute at Athens. Symposium held 30.3 - 4.4 1987. Tekniikan museon julkaisuja V, Tekniikan museo, Helsinki, 1990.

Christiernin, Georg: Finland’s Water-power and Electrification, Helsingfors 1924.

Haarhoff, Johannes; Juuti, Petri & Mäki, Harri. :“A short comparative history of wells and toilets in South Africa and Finland” in TD: The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, Vol. 2 no. 1, July 2006 pp. 103-130.Also:

Hakosalo, Heini: The Brain under the Knife: Serial Sectioning and the Development of Late 19th-Century Neuroanatomy. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 37 (2006): 172-202.

Harve, Paavo and Bror Nordqvist: National Resources and Fuels and Water Power in Finland, in: The Transmission of the Fourth World Power Conference, 1950, vol. 1, London 1952, pp. 183-93.

Heikkonen, Esko: Reaping the Bounty: McCormick Harvesting Machine Company Turns Abroad, 1878-1902. Finnish Historical Society, Helsinki 1995.

Heinonen, Mikko & Reunanen, Markku: "Preserving Our Digital Heritage: Experiences from the Pelikonepeijoonit Project." In Impagliazzo, John & Järvi, Timo & Paju, Petri (Eds.): History of Nordic Computing 2. Second IFIP WG 9.7 Conference, HiNC2, Turku, Finland, August 21-23, 2007, Revised Selected Papers. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 303. Springer, Berlin 2009, 55-64.

Herranen, Timo: 125 years of life with water : the history of water services in Helsinki. Helsinki Water, Helsinki 2002.

Herranen, Timo & Myllyntaus, Timo: "Effects of the First World War on the Engineering Industries of Estonia and Finland," In: Scandinavian Economic History Review (Bergen) vol. 32 (1984) no 3, 121-142.

Hietala, Marjatta: Services and Urbanisation at the Turn of the Century. The Diffusion of Innovation. Finnish Society for History, Helsinki 1987.

Holmberg, Peter: The History of Physics in Finland, 1828-1918. (Translated from the Swedish manuscript by Pearl Lönnfors.) Societas scientarium Fennica. Helsinki 1992.

Holopainen, Eero: ”Erik Herbert Palmén in Memoriam.” Erik Palmén 1898–1985. University of Helsinki, Department of Meteorology. Mitteilungen – Papers No. 135. Reprinted from Geophysica 21, N:o 1. Helsinki 1985.

Huhtamo, Erkki: The Roll Medium: The Origins and Development of the Moving Panorama until the 1860’s. PhD dissertation, University of Turku 2008.

Huhtamo, Erkki and Jussi Parikka (eds) Media Archaeologies. University of California Press, Berkeley, forthcoming 2010/2011.

Hukka, Jarmo J.; Juuti, Petri S.; Katko, Tapio S.& Seppälä, Osmo T.:“Many Ps Needed For Sustainable Water Services -Expansion of the Scope of Public-Private Partnerships” (in Public Works Management & Policy, Vol. 11 No. 2, October 2006 1-6)

Huldén, B., K. Larsen & O. Pedersen: "Aage Gerhard Drachmann (1891-1980). A bibliography", Centaurus, 28 (2) pp. 102-107, 1985.

Impagliazzo, John & Järvi, Timo & Paju, Petri (Eds.): History of Nordic Computing 2. Second IFIP WG 9.7 Conference, HiNC2, Turku, Finland, August 21-23, 2007, Revised Selected Papers. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 303. Springer, Berlin 2009.

Irincheev, Bair and Delf, Brian: The Mannerheim Line 1920-39: Finnish Fortifications of the Winter War, Osprey Publishing 2009.

Jordan, Terry G. and Kaups, Matti E.: The American Backwoods Frontier: An Ethical and Ecological Interpretation (Creating the North American Landscape), The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.

Juuti, P. & Katko, T.: From a Few to All: long-term development of water and environmental services in Finland. 2004, Pieksämäki. Also: Tampere University Press, ePublications -

Juuti, Petri & Katko, Tapio (Eds., 2005). Water, Time and European Cities History matters for the Futures. European Comission, Contract No: EVK4-2002-0095.

Juuti, Petri; Katko, Tapio; Mäki, Harri; Nyanchaga, Ezekiel Nyangeri; Rautanen, Sanna-Leena & Vuorinen, Heikki: Governance in Water Sector ­: Comparing development in Kenya, Nepal, South Africa and Finland. Tampere University Press, ePublications 2007. Also:

Juuti P, Katko T & Rajala R. (Eds.,2008): Water: a Matter of Life - Long-term strategic thinking in water services. Also Tampere University Press, ePublications:

Juuti, P.S.; Katko, T.S. & Vuorinen, H.S. (Eds.,2007): Environmental History of Water - Global view on community water supply and sanitation. IWA Publishing, London.629p..

Juuti, P. (text) & Wallenius, K. (translation and layout): Brief History of Wells and Toilets / Kaivot ja käymälät (In English and Finnish). 2005, Pieksämäki. Also: Tampere University Press, ePublications:

Juuti, Petri S.; Katko, Tapio S.; Rajala, Riikka P.; Seppälä, Osmo T.:"Evolution of water and sewerage services in Hämeenlinna, Finland, 1800-2000" in E-Water,

Juuti, Petri & Mäki, Harri:“Durban and Porvoo - Governing Water Supply in South Africa and Finland”, in E-Water journal. 2009. 21 pages.

Juuti, P.S.; Nygård H. & Katko T.S. :“Water and Sanitation Services in History: Motivations, Expectations and Experiences” in Tvedt T. & Ostigaard T. (eds.) A History of Water. Series II, Volume 1: Ideas of water from Ancient Societies to the Modern World.. London & New York: IB Tauris, 2010, 231-249.

Kaataja, Sampsa: "University researchers developing technology to commercial markets: A brief review to the 20th century Finland." Tekniikan Waiheita 28(2) 2010, 39–47.

Katko T. & Juuti P. 2007. Watering the city of Tampere from the mid-1800s to the 21st century. Tampere Water & International Water History Association. Also:

Katko, Tapio S.; Juuti, Petri S. & J. Tempelhoff : “Water and the City”, pp. 229-250 in Environment and History, Volume 16, No.2, May 2010.

Katko, Tapio S.; Juuti, Petri S. & Rajala, Riikka P. :“Writing the history of water services” (2008) in Physics and Chemistry of the Earth,

Katko, Tapio S. & Nygård, Henry: “Views on the History of Water, Wastewater and Solid Waste Services.” Tekniikan Waiheita, 18(4) 2000, 14-19.

Kaunonen, Gary: Challenge Accepted: A Finnish Immigrant Response to Industrial America in Michigan's Copper Country, Michigan State University Press, May 1 2010.

Kauppinen, Veijo: Entwicklung der Automatisierung der Produktion in Finnland - Beitrag zur Strukturentwicklung. Tagungsunterlagen zum 2. Beckmannkolloquium. 03.-04.06.1994 Wismar, BRD

Kauppinen, Veijo: Masina- ja metallitööstuse arenguteed Euroopas (Development of engineering industries in Europe). Instrutech´95, Esimene rahvusvaheline tööriistade, tööstusseadmete ja tööstustehnoloogia mess baltikumis 28.-30. Novembril 1995, 4-12.

Kauppinen, Veijo: Armament as the catalyst of Production Engineering. ICOHTEC 2000 Praha 22. - 25.08.2000 seminaarijulkaisu, referaatti p. 136 (jaettu esitys 5 s.).

Kauppinen, Veijo: Armament as the Catalyst of Production Engineering - a Few Examples. The 28th Annual ARA Congress, American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, ”Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu-Jiu, Romania June 3nd-June 8th, 2003. 4 p.

Kauppinen, Veijo: The First World War - a Gateway for Finnish Machine Tool Exports to Russia. Presented in XXX Symposium of the International Committee for the History of Technology ICOHTEC 2003 August 21st-26th, 2003 St Petersburg-Moscow, Russia 9 p. Abstract in the seminar proceedings pp. 71-72.

Kauppinen, Veijo: From Rotating Files to parallel kinematics - a Treatise on Milling and Milling Machines. XXXI Symposium of the International Committee for the History of Technology ICOHTEC 2004, August 17th - 22nd 2004, Bochum, Germany 9 p.

Kauppinen, Veijo: Instrutec päris algusest tänaseni välja - Soome osaleja silme läbi nähtuna. Inseneeria Detsember 10/2009, s. 42...43.

Kero, Reino: American Technology in Finland before World War I. -Turun Historiallinen Arkisto 42: Studia Historica in Honorem Vilho Niitemaa hänen 70-vuotispäivänään 16.3.1987. Toim. Eero Kuparinen. Turun Historiallinen Yhdistys, Turku 1987, 157–169.

Kuisma, Markku: A History of Outokumpu. Gummerus kirjapaino Oy, Jyväskylä 1989.

Kunnas, Jan & Myllyntaus, Timo: “Anxiety and Technological Change - Explaining the Inverted U-curve of Sulphur Dioxide Emissions in late 20th century Finland.” Ecological Economics, Vol 69, No. 7, 2010, 1587-1593

Kunnas, Jan & Myllyntaus, Timo: “Postponed Leap in Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Impacts of Energy Efficiency, Fuel Choices and Industrial Structure on the Finnish Energy Economy, 1800 – 2005," In. Global Environment, No. 3, 2009, 154 - 189.

Kunnas, Jan & Myllyntaus, Timo: “Anxiety and technological change – Explaining the decline of sulphur dioxide emissions in Finland since 1950,” In: R. Bleischwitz, P. Welfens and Z. Zhang (eds.) Sustainable Growth and Resource Productivity – Economic and Global Policy Issues. Greenleaf Publisher 2009.

Kunnas, Jan: ”Potash, saltpetre and tar.” Scandinavian Journal of History, Vol 32, No. 3, 2007, 281 – 311.

Kunnas, Jan: "Fire and fuels: CO2 and SO2 emissions in the Finnish economy, 1800–2005." Tekniikan Waiheita 28(2) 2010, 48–55.

Kylliäinen, Mikko: "Lars Krogius Jr, the founder of the Finnish bicycle trade". van der Plas, Rob (ed.). Cycle History 15 – Proceedings of the 15th International Cycling History Conference. Van der Plas Publications, San Francisco 2005, 64-69.

Kylliäinen, Mikko: "Student cap or felt hat? The image of early Finnish cyclists 1869-1890". In van der Plas, Rob, Oddy, Nicholas & Clayton, Nick. (eds.). Cycle History 18 – Proceedings of the 18th International Cycling History Conference. Van der Plas Publications, San Francisco 2008, 9-15.

Kylliäinen, Mikko: "Finlande". Besse, Nadine & Henry, Anne (eds.). Le vélocipède - objet de modernité 1860-1870. Musée d'Art et d'Industrie, Saint-Etienne 2008, 220-225.

Kärki, Maija; Immonen, Visa & Taavitsainen, J.-P. 2006: "Welding theory with tourism: Past and present of industrial archaeology in Finland". Industrial Archaeology Review 28:1, 47–58.

Laurén, Uta: Tapio Wirkkala für Rosenthal, Was die Funktion fordert, die Produktion verlangt und der Markt wünscht. Schriftenreihe des Finnland-Instituts in Deutschland, Berlin, Band 8, Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, Berlin 2007.

Laurila, Juha, Managing Technological Discontinuities: The Case of the Finnish Paper Industry (Management of Technology and Innovation), London: Routledge 1998.

Lemola, Tarmo (2002a). ”Convergence of national science and technology policies: the case of Finland.” Research Policy, vol. 31, 8–9/2002, 1481–1490.

Lovio, Raimo: Evolution of Firm Communities in New Industries - The Case of the Finnish Electronics Industry. Acta Universitatis Oeconomicae Helsingiensis Series A:92. The Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsinki 1993.

Manninen, Ari T.: Elaboration of NMT and GSM standards: From idea to market. Department of History. Academic Dissertation. University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä 2002.

Michelsen, Karl-Erik & Kuisma, Markku: ”Nationalism and Industrial Development in Finland.” Business and Economic History. Second Series, vol. 21, 1992, 343–353.

Michelsen, Karl-Erik: Global innovator : the story of Vaisala. Vaisala Oy, Vantaa 2006.

Mikkonen, Tuija: Corporate Architecture in Finland in the 1940s and 1950s - Factory Building as Architecture, Investment and Image. Department of Art History. Academic Dissertation. Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, Helsinki 2005.

Myllyntaus, Timo: "Hydro- and Thermal Power in Finnish Industry in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries," In: Scandinavian Journal of History (Stockholm) vol. 8 (1983) no 2, 109-118.

Myllyntaus, Timo (1985a): "Initial Electrification in Three Main Branches of Finnish Industry, 1882–1920," In: Scandinavian Economic History Review (Bergen) vol. 33 (1985) no 2, 122-143.

Myllyntaus, Timo (1985b):“Survey on Recent Finnish Research on the History of Technology,” In: Polhem, Tidskrift för teknikhistoria (Göteborg) årg. 3 (1985) no 1, 47-50.

Myllyntaus, Timo: “The Efficiency of Electricity Supply in Estonia, Finland and Sweden, 1920–1938,” In: International Productivity Comparisons and Problems of Measurement, 1750 -1939, Ed. P. K. O'Brien, The Ninth International Economic History Congress in Bern 1986, Section B-6, Zürich 1986, 96-105.

Myllyntaus, Timo (1989a): Finnish Industry in Transition, 1885 – 1920, Responding to Technological Challenges, Helsinki 1989.

Myllyntaus, Timo (1989b): “Finland: The Introduction of Hydraulic Turbines, 1840 – 1940,” In: Innovation technologique et civilisation, Editions du CNRS. Paris: Commission internationale d'histoire des mouvements sociaux et des structures sociales 1989, 113-130 (Résumé en français, pp. 126-127).

Myllyntaus, Timo: ”The Finnish Model of Technology Transfer.” Teoksessa The Gategrashing Apprentice. Industrialising Finland as an Adopter of New Technology. Helsingin yliopiston talous- ja sosiaalihistorian laitoksen tiedonantoja N:o 24. Helsinki 1990, 98–132. Julkaistu alun perin Myllyntaus, Timo: ”The Finnish Model of Technology Transfer.” Economic Development and Cultural Change, vol. 38 3/1990, 625–643. Julkaistu myöhemmin ETLA:n sarjassa Eripainos/Reprint no 141, Helsinki, Elinkeinoelämän tutkimuslaitos 1990.

Myllyntaus, Timo (1991a): Electrifying Finland. The Transfer of a New Technology into a Late Industrialising Economy. ETLA – The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy. Series A15. Macmillan Academic and Professional Ltd, London 1991.

Myllyntaus, Timo (1991b): The Transfer of Electrical Technology to Finland, 1870 - 1930. Technology and Culture, Vol 31, No. 2, 1991, 293 - 317.

Myllyntaus, Timo (1992a): The Gatecrashing Apprentice. Industrialising Finland as an Adopter of New Technology, Institute of Economic and Social History, Communications no 24. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 1st edition 1990; 2nd edition 1992, 134 Pp.

Myllyntaus, Timo (1992b): Technology transfer and the contextual filter in the Finnish setting. Transfer channels and mechanisms in an historical perspective. ETLA, Keskustelunaiheita, Discussion papers. ETLA, Helsinki 1992 – Published later in the book Mastering Technology Diffusion - The Finnish Experience, Ed. Synnöve Vuori ja Pekka Ylä-Anttila, ETLA-Series B 82, Helsinki: The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy 1992, pp. 195-251.

Myllyntaus, Timo (1992c): “The Role of Industry in the Electrification of Finland,” In: Électricité et électrification dans le monde. Actes du deuxième colloque international d'histoire de l'électricité, Ed. Monique Trédé, Paris: Association pour l'histoire de l'électricité en France 1992, pp. 235-249.

Myllyntaus, Timo (1992d):“Technological Change in Finland,” Technology and Industry, A Nordic Heritage, Eds. Jan Hult and Bengt Nyström, Nantucket: Science History Publications/USA 1992, 29-52.

Myllyntaus, Timo: “Les réseaux d'alimentation en électricité dans les pays nordiques,” In: Bulletin d'histoire de l'électricité, No 22, Décembre 1993, Paris: Association pour l'Histoire de l'Electricité en France, 85-98.

Myllyntaus, Timo: “Electricity Supply Systems in the Nordic Countries,” In: Electricity Generation and Supply: Regulation, Market and Competition. International Comparisons, Ed. Alan Beltran and Henri Morsel, The Proceedings of the Eleventh International Economic History Congress, vol. B-15, Milan: Università Bocconi 1994, pp. 73-84.

Myllyntaus, Timo (1995a): "Kilowatts at Work: Electricity and Industrial Transformation in the Nordic Countries," Nordic Energy Systems. Historical Perspectives and Current Issues, Eds. Arne Kaijser and Marika Hedin, Canton, Mass.: Science History Publications/USA 1995, 101-128.

Myllyntaus, Timo (1995b): “Patenting and Industrial Performance in the Nordic Countries, 1870 – 1940," Cross-Country Comparisons of Industrialisation in Small Countries, 1870 – 1940, Ed. Olle Krantz, Occational Papers in Economic History No 2, Umeå: Umeå University 1995, 168-191.

Myllyntaus, Timo (1996a): ”’The Best Way to Pick Up a Trade,’ Journeys Abroad by Finnish Technical Students, 1860–1940.” ICON. Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology, vol. 2, 1996, 138–163.

Myllyntaus, Timo (1996b): “The History of Technology in Finland,” In: SHOT Newsletter, The Society for the History of Technology, (January 1996) no 70 n.s., pp. 13-15.

Myllyntaus, Timo: “Electrical Imperialism or Multinational Cooperation? The Role of Big Business in Supplying Light and Power to St. Petersburg before 1917,” In: Business and Economic History, by the Business History Conference (Williamsburg, USA), vol. 26 (Winter 1997) no 2, 540-549.

Myllyntaus, Timo: “Neglected Potential? The Emergence of the Finnish Chemical Industry, 1900–1939," In: Determinants in the Evolution of the European Chemical Industry, 1900–1939: New Technologies, Political Frameworks, Markets and Companies, Eds. Antony S. Travis, Harm G. Schröter, Ernst Homburg and Peter J. T. Morris, Series: Chemists and Chemistry vol. 16, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998, 341-360.

Myllyntaus, Timo: Phases of a Network. From a Breakthrough to a National System, Helsinki: Fingrid Oyj, 1999, 64 Pp.

Myllyntaus, Timo (2003a): ”Discovering Switzerland. Internationalisation among Nordic Students of Technology prior to World War II.” Travels of Learning. A Geography of Science in Europe. Eds. Ana Simões, Ana Carneiro & Maria Paula Diogo. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Amsterdam 2003, 299–328.

Myllyntaus, Timo (2003b: “Technology and the Environment: Searching for their Nexus in History,” Tekniikan Waiheita – Teknik i Tiden, vol. 21 (2003) no 2, 5-15.

Myllyntaus, Timo: “Foreign Models and National Styles in Teaching Technology in the Nordic Countries,” In: La formation des ingénieurs en perspective. Modèles de référence et réseaux de médiation – XVIIIe–XXe siècles, Textes réunis par (eds.) Irina Gouzévitch, André Grelon & Anousheh Karvar, Collection Carnot, Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes 2004, 141-152.

Myllyntaus, Timo: “A Line Drawn in the Water, Historical Perspectives on Technology and the Environment,” In: Public Works, Management & Policy, Research and Practice in Transportation, Infrastructure, and the Environment, Sage Publishing Co, vol. 9 (April 2005) no 4, 278-286.

Myllyntaus, Timo (2008a): “Foreign Investments in Finnish Electricity Supply Utilities, 1884 – 1936,” In: Revista de Historia: Transportes, Servicios y Telecomunicaciones vol. 14 (2008), Madrid, Spain, 120-143.

Myllyntaus, Timo (2008b): “’As soon as there are sockets in the walls, electricity will take care of everything,’ Popularising electricity in Finland, 1870 – 1960,” In: Technik zwischen Artes und Arts / Technology between Artes and Arts in History, Festschrift für Hans-Joachim Braun, hrsg./eds. Reinhold Bauer, James Williams and Wolfhard Weber, Cottbusser Studien zur Geschichte von Technik, Arbeit und Umwelt, Band 31, Münster: Waxmann Verlag 2008, 87-102.

Myllyntaus, Timo: “ICOHTEC: Today and Tomorrow,” In: International Committee for the History of Technology, 1968 – 2008, 2nd, enlarged edition, Ed. Wolfhard Weber, Bochum: ICOHTEC 2009, 74-88.

Myllyntaus, Timo & Tiina Männistö & Riikka Jalonen. “Finnish History of Technology at the Turn of the Millennium.” ICOHTEC Country report from 2007, accessed 24.3.2010.

Norvasuo, Markku (2004). "The structure and system of Alvar Aalto's round skylight." In: Wedebrunn, Ola et al. (eds.). Alvar Aalto Vyborg Library – Technology of Sensations. Proceedings of the Seventh International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, Vyborg 18–19th of September 2003. Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. (Preservation technology dossier 7.) 83–90.

Norvasuo, Markku (2006). "The amphitheatre and fan-shaped forms : Acoustic forms in Aalto's auditorium designs." Transl. Desmond O’Rourke. ptah 2/2006, 29–35.

Nykänen, Panu: Kotimaisten hävittäjien rakentaminen Suomessa 1939–45, Tutkimus pienen maan lentokoneteollisuuden edellytyksistä ja aikaansaannoksista. Suomen Teknillinen Seura r.y. Helsinki 1993. 87 s.

Nykänen, Panu: Käytännön ja teorian välissä, teknillisen opetuksen alku Suomessa. Teknillisen korkeakoulun 150-vuotisjuhlajulkaisu. Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Helsinki 1997. 203 s.

Nykänen, Panu: Reseach into Fuel and Lubrication Oil Substitutes in Finland. Traffic, Needs, Roads, perspectives on the Past, Present and Future of Roads in Finland and the Baltic Area. Tapani Mauranen Ed. Finnra 200 v. 1999.

Nykänen, Panu: Bensiinihiilivetyjen valtiaat. Voitelu- ja moottoripolttoaineiden tutkimus Suomessa ennen vuotta 1948. STH julkaisuja N:o 2. Gummerus 1999 (väitöskirja tohtorin tutkintoa varten). 329 s. 2. korjattu painos 2000.

Nykänen, Panu: Gustaf Komppa 1867–1949. Teknillistieteelliset akatemiat FACTE. F.G. Lönnbergin kirjapaino, Helsinki 2003.

Nykänen, Panu. Around the Roll. A century of Finnish paper machine and papermaking technology. STH publications N:o 9. Gummerus kirjapaino Oy, Jyväskylä 2005. 316 p.

Nykänen, Panu: Teknillisen korkeakoulun historia. Osa I, Kortteli sataman laidalla. 350 s. Osa 2. Otaniemen yhteiskunta. 398 s. WSOY, Helsinki 2008

Nykänen, Panu: Turning the Wheel. The History of Helsinki University of Technology TKK. WSOY, Helsinki 2008. 72 p. 2. edition 2009.

Nykänen, Panu: Jos kultaa kaivannet. Outokumpu Oy:n Säätiö vuoritekniikan, metallurgian ja geologian opetuksen ja tutkimuksen edistämistä varten 1937–2010. Gummerus Kirjapaino Oy, Jyväskylä 2009. 236 s.

Nykänen, Panu: Laivanrakennustekniikan akateemisen opetuksen alkuvaiheet Suomessa. Teoksessa Petri Varsta, Akateeminen laivanrakentaja. Outi Ampuja toim. Otavan Kirjapaino Oy, 2012. 11 s.

Nykänen, Panu & Kuuva, Markku & Saukkola, Arsi & Vähätalo, Anne: Final works of students of Helsinki School of Technology 1850 - 51 are safe now. Shaping European university heritage Past and possible futures. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab Skrifter 2013, nr. 3. pp. 101–108.

Nykänen, Panu: Yliopisto, yritys ja valtio. Käytännöllisten alojen opetuksen järjestelmän rakentaminen Suomessa 19. vuosisadalta vuosituhannen vaihteeseen. Teknillisten Tieteiden Akatemia ja Aalto-yliopiston tekniikan tukisäätiö. 2016. 214 s.

Nykänen, Panu: 150 years’ evolution toward a greener future – the Outotec story. Bookwell Oy Finland, 2016. 240 p.

Näränen, Pertti. "The Opportunity Lost and Found? European Regulation of Digital Television." In: Broadcasting & Convergence: New Articulations of the Public Remit, eds. Greg Lowe and Taisto Hujanen. Gothenburg: Nordicom 2003, pp. 57-68.

Oinas-Kukkonen, H.: “From Bush to Engelbart: 'Slowly, Some Little Bells Were Ringing',” IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, vol. 29, no.2, 2007, pp. 31–39.

Oksa, Jukka: "How to be rural in the Information Age: The case of rural community network in a Finnish periphery." Ari Antikainen (ed). Transforming a Learning Society. The case of Finland. (The 2nd, expanded edition.) Bern: Peter Lang, 2007. s. 147-162. (Studien zur Erziehungswissenschaft).(The first edition in 2005.)

Oksa, Jukka: "Overcoming digital divide. Local lessons about transferring of models." Ari Antikainen, Päivi Harinen and Carlos Alberto Torres (2006, Eds.): In from the Margins. Adult Education, Work and Civil Society. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2006, pp.327-341

Paju, Petri: ”A Failure Revisited: The First Finnish Computer Construction Project. The Establishing of a National Computing Center in Finland.” History of Nordic Computing. Eds. Janis Bubenko Jr. & John Impagliazzo & Arne Solvberg. IFIP WG 9.7 First Working Conference on the History of Nordic Computing (HiNC1), Norway 2003. Springer, New York 2005, 79–94.

Paju, Petri (2007b): ”Revisiting the 1970s: The Finnish Computer project and what happened to state-run initiatives in computer-related research and business.” History of Nordic Computing – HiNC2. Extended abstracts. Eds. Petri Paju & Nina Kivinen & Timo Järvi & Jouko Ruissalo. Turku Centre for Computer Science, General Publications No 42. Turku 2007, 41–42.

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Demoscene Research [9] (previous link had the same content, just reformatted and outdated)